Friday, March 28, 2008

Katelyn Update

So Katelyn is 8 months and growing way too fast. She's 17 lbs 5 oz, up only 3 oz from her appointment in January. The pediatrician is not worried at all though. We took her to get her hips x-rayed a few weeks ago. At Eureka Ped's it's standard procedure to x-ray the hips of breached babies. The xray showed a slight problem with the right side of her hip so we went in and had an ultrasound done on it. The ultrasound tech told us he didn't see anything that was of real concern but that a radiologist will be looking it over also. When I got home last night there was a message from pediatricians office asking me to call back so they can discuss the ultrasound with me so I'll update after I talk to them.
Katelyn has a goopie eye right now. She's on eye drops but the poor baby has pink around here eye and has nasty green eye boogers. Hopefully the drops will kick in soon.

Here's some recent pictures of Katelyn. Enjoy!! :)
Family Easter Pic:
Easter Morning:
Easter Dress:


Hillary said...

What a cute little family! She looks so pretty in her Easter dress.

Trish said...

What a beautiful family!!! So is so photogenic!! I just love her easter dress! Before you know it she be celebrating her 2nd birthday!!