I've been thinking a lot lately about starting up my personal blog again. I'm not really sure what I'm going to blog about so it may be an adventure for all of us!
Let's start out with a kid update.
Kate is almost 3 years old! I can't believe my baby girl will be 3 next month. I'm not really sure where these past few years have gone but I know they have been some of the best ever!! Kate goes to Teacher Lauri's house 2 times a week and plays with her friends. She loves it there and I'm sure it's going to be difficult come September when she starts Preschool. Kate will be starting gymnastics soon, well as soon as I sign her up which I hope will be next week! She'll be doing that 2 days a week too and come September she'll be doing their ABC 123 program too! I can't wait to get her in more of a weekly routine this fall. I know she'll love it-that's her personality.
Dylan is 6 months and such a little joy. He is certainly a mamma's boy! He also loves to sit up, play with toys, roll over to his tummy and cry and enjoys playing with his big sister. At his last appointment he weighted 18 lbs 3 oz, 26.5 in long, and his head was 45.5 cm in diameter. His sleeping is....well.....getting better. He was waking up several times at night but once he turned 6 months I decided that just had to stop! So we brought Kate's bed into our room and put Dylan to bed in his crib in their room. When he wakes up at night we let him cry it out until he falls back to sleep. The first time he cried for 45 minutes, now he cries for maybe 15 minutes. Amazingly, for the most part I don't even hear it. And if I do I can easily fall back to sleep.
Conor and I are doing great too! I'm still working at the church part time. I am also leading a Beth Moore bible study on Saturday nights. The bible study just started this past Saturday and I think it's going to be AMAZING!! Conor is still working for Steve. He really enjoys his job over there and will hopefully find us a good house to buy! *fingers crossed on that one*
Well with that I'm going to wrap this up. I'll leave you with one of my answers from my bible study homework from this past week:
"Be who you are and not who the world tells you you have to be".
1 comment:
I'm glad you're blogging again :)
They're fun to read, even if it's rambling... It's funny to see your last post is being 11 weeks prego with Dylan and now Dylan is so old :(
By the way, I was thinking of signing up Tyler for gymnastics this fall, maybe I will do the preschool class as well, have you signed her up for it yet?
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