Wednesday, March 23, 2011

You WANT to win this kit!!

DeCrow Designs and Tracie Stroud have teamed up and made a seriously ROCKING collab!!! I’ve already made 4 pages with it, LOL.

To enter for a chance to win visit ::this:: thread. Good Luck!

Sunday, March 20, 2011

St Patrick's Day & Scrapping

Well for this holiday I wasn’t as prepared as I was for Valentines Day, but did have some things that I had picked up at the store.

This was the new decore for St. Patty’s Day (except for the give thanks scentsy warmer):


And some fun pictures of the kids:




Last night at dinner Dylan became obsessed with saying belly button “bee b” and pointing to it. It was just so cute I snapped some pictures:



Lastly some layouts I’ve scrapped recently! I feel like I’ve been a busy scrapping machine lately!

New from Micheline Martin:



Kinda new from Amy Stoffel (posting a little late):





New from Captivated Visions:









Not new from CV but my first time playing with These Days kit:



New from mle Card:



And an old kit from Tracie Stroud:



Saturday, March 12, 2011

yeah yeah…

Yeah I know it’s been awhile….what, 5 months or so? Well I know it’s no excuse but live is just busy! I won’t go into details and bore you on what the last 5 month have been filled with.
Life is great for us Lemmons. We moved into a bigger house which was needed! Dylan and Katelyn both have their own rooms finally! We also have a dining room! We love to sit down for dinner, let Kate pray for us, and then enjoy a meal as a family. Our new house is also close to my parents so it’s been fun having them stop over for a quick visit or dinner.
Kate started preschool this past year and is loving it. She comes home sharing something new every week! She is also in gymnastics and loves that. Her two favorite teachers are Hannah and Shannon.
Dylan has recently learned how to walk, at 15 months (just like Katelyn did). Once he learned how to walk all he does is follow Katelyn around just wanting to be near and around her. He also loves to climb on everything and anything he can. As he is becoming more active I’m beginning to see the differences between boys and girls!
Conor and I are about to celebrate our 8 year wedding anniversary. I can’t believe it’s almost been 8 years! It has seriously flown by and I can’t wait to see what is in store for us in the coming years.
I’m still enjoying digital scrapbooking. I’ve updated the sidebar with my Creative Teams. I’m on 7, the most I’ve ever been on and I love it!! I’m CT’ing for all the designers that I LOVE!
Here are a few recent favorite pages:
(got 1 gallery standouts!!!)
(got 3 gallery standouts!!!)
Reflecting on the past 12 years
Well I think I’ll end there! I hope to keep up my blog this time. I’ll pretty much be posting family stuff and updates as well as digital scrapbooking layouts!
Until next time!